Innovating Frontiers

A Sustainable Future

GEOINTEL pioneers resource exploration, aiming for a sustainable future. We unite cutting-edge technology, research, and unwavering dedication to redefine norms, shaping a brighter tomorrow where environmental consciousness and progress align.

Our Journey

Our expertise in digital geoscience solutions, geohazard & environmental assessment and management & training solutions are the pillars upon which sustainability renewable energy exploration rests. They provide us with the tools to make informed decisions, locate untapped energy resources, and navigate the complexities of our planet with finesse. With digital solutions and exceptional talents, we optimise resource extraction, ensuring that green energy isn’t just a dream but a practical reality.

The journey toward sustainability starts here. We recognise the significance of our role, and we invite you to join us on this transformative path. Together, we will lead the way in shaping a greener, more sustainable future, where technology, expertise, and environmental responsibility converge seamlessly.


Why Us

Mastery in Focus

Our Expertise

Through precision, expertise, and specialised excellence, we redefine industry standards, delivering top-tier solutions with an unwavering commitment to innovation and tailored client excellence.

Bespoke Counsel

Our Commitment

Fusing capabilities with personalised and dedicated service, we offer unparalleled client support through tailored solutions. Our expertise meets individual needs, crafting bespoke solutions that elevate experiences and outcomes.

Innovative Solutions

Our Approach

We blend cutting-edge technology with precision, driving revolutionary solutions that propel industry advancement. This fusion of innovation and precision ensures our offerings redefine standards, fostering progress and transformative outcomes within the industry.

Our Leadership

Our leadership extends beyond positions; it embodies vision, guidance, and inspiration. We steer with strategic insight, foster growth, and empower innovation, forging a path toward collective success.

Dr. Jaizan Hardi Mohamed Jais

Dr. Jaizan Hardi Mohamed Jais

Chief Excecutive Officer
Mohd. Idrus Ismail

Mohd. Idrus Ismail

Strategic Advisor
Razali Ahmad

Razali Ahmad

Technical Advisor

Shaping Tomorrow's Energy Today
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